Emergency Management

Panton works to be prepared to handle emergencies that might affect our community.

Panton has an Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC). The EMC is an appointed individual in each town or city who has direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and coordination of the local organization for emergency management, subject to the direction and control of the executive officer or legislative branch.  Generally, the Emergency Management Coordinator manages the local emergency management organization, including the identification of the resources and organization that would be used to support incident command; manages the creation and maintenance of the Local Emergency Operations Plan; manages the maintenance of the Local Emergency Operations Center; facilitates Emergency Management meetings with municipal stakeholders to discuss current emergency management plans, organization, equipment, training, and exercises; coordinates citizen preparedness initiatives; coordinates volunteer recruitment; participates in the creation of the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Panton's EMC is Bob Groff. He can be reached via email at EMC@pantonvt.us.